Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Case of the Stolen Bag

Man: "My bag was stolen. I left it on this chair when I went to pay for my drink and I came back and it was gone."
Barista: "Oh no, I'll call security."

3 security officers show up within minutes. The man begins questioning patrons and baristas to see if they saw anyone suspicious. He also tells the customers in line that his bag was stolen. Security apparently also called the police, who jumped on an excuse to come to a coffee shop because at least 2 cars showed up. Security tapes are pulled and checked. No one can figure out who took the bag. Police report filed.

Barista: "I'm so sorry your bag was stolen. Would a hot chocolate make you feel better?"
Man: "No thanks."

5 minutes later

Man: "So I started to get this nagging feeling, well a suspicion, that I didn't bring my bag up here. I went down to my car and sure enough there was my bag sitting on the backseat."

Wife: "We've been to so many Starbuckses (yes she said 'Starbuckses') It's hard to keep track of what we bring with us to each one."

You have got to be kidding me!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sampling Queen

The holidays are upon us and tis the season to spread some cheer with free samples. That is if anyone will actually take the free samples.

Our store does a big push to sample out our holiday drinks in order to increase sales. The problem is that many people avoid a sampling barista like the plague. I really don't get it. Being a recent college grad, I still relish my campus days where I would seek out free things. The downtown business culture is a different breed that looks at samples as the enemy to their diet. Many times I would return to the counter with a full tray of samples, even if the store was hopping.

The sampler, or the "temptress," as one customer put it, is thought to be there to lure you away from your "healthy" sugar free non fat latte. I see it as an opportunity for you to satisfy your craving for holidays treats with a little bite sized treat. But alas, the holiday sampler must get ready to face a crowd of evil glances and people who will avoid eye contact with you as if you asking for a handout or trying to sell tham something.


I'm being forced to give you free stuff people! I'm not offended if you don't want one. I mean it's not like I baked the goods myself. But be gracious about it, don't make me feel like a jerk for trying to give you morsels of holiday goodness.

Last week I was forced into sampling out a pepperminty holiday drink. My delicious mini lattes were turned down by 20 people in a row and I was to the breaking point. I scanned the cafe for another sampling victim when I heard a voice from above.

"What you got there?"

I looked up to see none other than Scottie Pippen, former Chicago Bull, towering over me.

"It's a peppermint white mocha." Scottie Pippen! No way!

"Ahh let me have one of those!" I lift the tray up so he can grab one. "Thank you!"

It was nice to see someone be so appreciative of a free drink, let alone a former NBA great. Now I had some ammunition for my not-so-enthusiastic customers.

"Oh you don't want one of my samples? Yeah well what if I told you that Scottie Pippen just begged me for one of these babies a mere 5 minutes ago?"

Yes, that will get my samples flying off the tray like hot cakes.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hats Off

Me: "I like your hat."
Customer: "Thanks."
Me: "I love hats."
Customer: "You like a man who wears his hat wit authority?"
Me: "Umm..."
Customer: "Cuz I always wear my hat wit authority. And, I speak my words with clarity."
Me: "I meant that I like to wear hats."